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Radiation Characteristics of Rectangular Microstrip Antenna in Weakly Ionized Plasma Medium

K.C. Singh

L.P. Sahi College, Patahi, Muzaffarpur (India).


Article Publishing History
Article Received on : 16 Apr 2009
Article Accepted on : 22 May 2009
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Plagiarism Check: Yes
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Theoretical investigation has been carried out to evaluate the effect of weakly ionized plasma medium on radiation characteristics of rectangular microstrip antenna. Elemental area has been utilized to obtain the components of radiated fields which further extrapolated to obtain the components of radiation for rectangular patch. Further these expressions are modified for weakly ionized plasma medium. It has been observed that the presence of plasma medium affect the radiation characteristics of microstrip antennas to a great extent. The investigation reveals that in weakly ionized plasma, the level of first side lobe increases with increasing value of wp/w. The effective permittivity is also found to decrease with higher values of wp/w, as a result of which microstrip patches becomes more omnidirectional.

KEYWORDS: Rectangular; microstrip antenna; Weakly-ionized; radiation; plasma

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Singh K. C. Radiation Characteristics of Rectangular Microstrip Antenna in Weakly Ionized Plasma Medium. Mat.Sci.Res.India;6(1)

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Singh K. C. Radiation Characteristics of Rectangular Microstrip Antenna in Weakly Ionized Plasma Medium. Mat.Sci.Res.India;6(1). Available from:

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