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High Temperature Electrical Transport in Iron and Cobolt Zirconates

Kanchan Gaur and Satyendra Singh1

Department of Physics, K.N. Government P.G. College, Gyanpur, Bhadohi - 221 304 (India).


Article Publishing History
Article Received on : 06 Jun 2009
Article Accepted on : 02 Aug 2009
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Plagiarism Check: Yes
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The electrical conductivity (s) and Seebeck coefficient (S) of trivalent Fe and Co zirconates were measured in the temperature range 500-1200K. The studied zirconates, Fe and Co, under go a phase transition at 780K and 760K respectively. The results have been explained on the basis of a energy band diagram. It has been concluded that conduction mechanism in these solids is intrinsic band type with O2– : 2p and M3+ : 4s bands as valence and conduction band.

KEYWORDS: Electrical conductivity; Seebeck coefficient; Zirconates; conduction mechanism

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Gaur K, Singh S. High Temperature Electrical Transport in Iron and Cobolt Zirconates. Mat.Sci.Res.India;6(2)

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Gaur K, Singh S. High Temperature Electrical Transport in Iron and Cobolt Zirconates. Mat.Sci.Res.India;6(2). Available from:

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