
Dr. Satyabrata Jit 

chiefProf. S. Jit has earned his B.E., M.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees from the B.E. College (University of Calcutta), IIT Kanpur and IIT(BHU) in 1993, 1995 and 2002 respectively. He has supervised 12 Ph.D. and more 35 master’s theses; and has published more than 170 research articles in various peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings. He has coauthored a text book titled “Millman’s Electronic Devices and Circuits” published by the McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi in 2007 with Jacob Millman and Cristos C. Halkias are other two coauthors. He has served as the Coordinator, Computer Center, BHU from February 2012 to March 2014 and, as the Chairperson, Senate Post Graduate Committee, IIT(BHU) for 2013-14 & 2014-15 academic sessions.

Prof. Jit is one of the Editors of three books: Advanced Optoelectronic Materials and Devices and Emerging Trends in Electronic and Photonic Devices & Systems both published by the Macmillan Publishers India Limited, New Delhi in 2008 and 2009 respectively and Advances in Microelectronics and Photonics from Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA in 2012. He has worked as one of the Guest Editors of the Special Issue on Narrow-Gap Semiconductors and Low-Dimensional Structures for Optoelectronic Applications (NAGAP) of The Scientific World Journal in 2014. His present research interests include nanostructured materials and devices for electronic, gas sensing, bio-sensing and optoelectronic applications; modeling and simulation of nanoscaled non-classical CMOS devices; organic solar cells etc.Prof. Jit is the recipient of the INSA Visiting Fellowship in 2006; Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from the Georgia State University, USA in 2007 and; the BOYSCAST Fellowship of the DST, Govt. of India to work in the Max-Born Institute, Germany in 2011. 

Prof. Jit is a member of the BoG, HBTI Kanpur and UPTTI, Kanpur. Currently, he is the Head, Department of Electronics Engineering, IIT(BHU), Varanasi.  He is also the Chief-Investigator, Special Manpower Development Program for Chip to System Design (SMDP C2SD) project of the DeitY, Govt. of India. Prof. Jit is the Fellow, Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India); Fellow, Institution of Engineers (India); and Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (USA).  

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