Editorial Board

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Prof. Satyabrata Jit
Professor (HAG)
Department of Electronics Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (BHU)
Varanasi, UP
Web: www.iitbhu.ac.in/dept/ece/people/sjitece
E-mail: sjit1970@yahoo.com
Research Interests: Nanostructured materials and devices for electronic, gas sensing, bio-sensing, and optoelectronic applications; modeling and simulation of nanoscaled non-classical CMOS devices; organic solar cells

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Co-Chief Editor

Prof. (Dr.) Bhaskar Bhattacharya
Professor of Physics
Department of Physics (MMV)
Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi – 221005     
Email: bhaskarmiet@gmail.combhaskar.phys@bhu.ac.in
Scopus ID: 7102753039
Research Interests: Polymer Electrolytes, Dye-sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) using polymer electrolytes, Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells, Ion Beam Irradiation effects on Polymer Electrolytes, Supercapacitors, Carbon Nanotubes and other derivatives for electrode application. 

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Managing Editors
Prof. Udayan De
HBNI Professor & DAE (Govt. of India) Scientist (Retired)
Department of Atomic Energy
Visiting Professor, Egra SSB College,
Kolkata, WB
Email: udekol61@gmail.com
Scopus ID: 7007046731
Research Interests: Applied Physics & Materials Science [main], Superconductivity, Piezoelectricity, EM Shielding,  Environment & Green Energy, Global Warming Control 


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Dr. K. M. Garadkar
Professor of Physical Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Shivaji University
Kolhapur, MS
Email: kmg_chem@unishivaji.ac.in
Web: www.unishivaji.ac.in/uploads/dptchem/C.V/11%20K.%20M.%20Garadkar.pdf
Scopus ID: 6701606767
Research Interests: Materials Science, Physics, Astronomy, Engineering Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Nanoparticles of Metal and metal oxide



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Dr. Nini Rose Mathews
Scientist/Associate Professor
Department of Solar Energy Materials
Instituto de Energías Renovables
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Morelos, México.
Web: http://www.ier.unam.mx
E-mail: nrm@ier.unam.mx
Scopus ID: 56000871900
Research Interest: Chalcogenide semiconductors for photovoltaic applications, Phtovoltaics, Photocatalysis, Thin-film solar cells of lead, copper, tin and zinc sulfide and selenide semiconductor compounds, Perovisktas solar cells, Development of nanoparticles and Cu2ZnSnS4 dyes (CZTS) and the development of Cu2ZnSnS4 films using dyes, Solar cell prototype development: TCO / CdS / CZTS.



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Dr. Hitendra M. Patel
Department of Chemistry
Sardar Patel University
Gujarat India.
Web: https://v15.spuvvn.edu/team/dr-h-m-patel/
Email: hm_patel@spuvvn.edu
Scopus ID: 54947391200
Research Interests: Organic Chemistry, Sustainable Chemistry, Development of Crystals, Various types of Catalysis, Multi-Component Reactions, Ionic Liquids, Deep Eutectic Mixture, Medicinal Chemistry, Regioselective and Diastereoselective synthesis, Heterocyclic Compounds and Bio-Organic Molecules, Anti-proliferative Activity. 


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Dr. Karthik Kannan
Associate Science and Technical Advisor
Australian Center for Sustainable
Development Research and Innovation
(ACSDRI), Adelaide, Australia
Email: karthikkannanphotochem@gmail.com; karthik@acsdri.com
Scopus ID: 56462427100
Orcid ID: 0000-0001-5438-2460
Research Interests: Nanomaterials; Crystal growth; Thin films; Carbon dioxide conversion; Hydrogen generation; Energy storage; Magnetism; Photocatalysis; Electrocatalysis; Biological applications


Dr. Artemii Bernatskyi
Paton Electric Welding Institute of the
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Email:  bernatskyi@paton.kiev.uaavb77@ukr.net
Scopus ID: 57212263637
Research interest: Laser Technologies, Laser Welding, Materials Processing, Materials Technology, Laser Surface Treatment, Hybrid and Combined Technologies, Hybrid welding, and History of lasers

Honorable Member of International Advisory Board
Dr. Daolun Chen
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Toronto Metropolitan University,
Toronto, Ontario
Email: dchen@ryerson.ca
Web: https://people.ryerson.ca/dchen/index.html
Research Interests: Advanced materials (bio- and nano-materials, composites, etc.) and other critical engineering materials, and their mechanical properties, fatigue, fracture, deformation, physical metallurgy, phase transformation, microstructural characterization, materials processing, welding, brazing, stress corrosion cracking, corrosion fatigue, failure analysis and life prediction. 



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Dr. Ramesh L Gardas
Department of Chemistry
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai, India.
Web: http://chem.iitm.ac.in/faculty/gardas
Email: gardas@iitm.ac.in
Scopus ID: 6505861432
Research Interests: Solution thermodynamics, fluid phase equilibria, measuring and predicting of physico-chemical properties, structure-property relations and physical chemistry of environmentally benign solvents (e.g. ionic liquids, deep eutectic solvents). 



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Dr. Sergio Baragetti
Full Professor
Department of Machine Design and Computational Mechanics,
Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Bergamo
Email: sergio.baragetti@unibg.it
Web: http://bit.ly/2oRAOOI
Scopus ID: 6701346451
Research Interests: Components and structures analysis: evaluation of the limit load for hydraulic actuators, evaluation of fatigue resistance for innovative railway undercarriages, study and optimization of conical threaded connections for oil applications, design of devices for fatigue tests, design of crankshafts and connecting rods, design of components for lifting appliances, design of highly accelerated inert vibrating screening units and probabilistic analysis of components and structures.


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Dr. Pradeep L. Menezes
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Nevada Reno (UNR)
Reno, NV
E-mail: pmenezes@unr.edu
Website: www.unr.edu/me/faculty-and-staff/
Scopus Id: 12344924700
Research Interests: Experimental and computational analysis in advanced green- and bio- manufacturing; Green solid and liquid lubricants and multifunctional bio-based hybrid lubricants, Surface science and coatings, Shoe-floor design and human tribology.


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Dr. Shouxun Ji
Professor in Materials
Brunel Centre for AdvancedSolidification Technology (BCAST)
Brunel University London, Uxbridge,
United Kingdom
Web: www.brunel.ac.uk/people/Shouxun-Ji
Email: Shouxun.Ji@brunel.ac.uk
Research Interests: Lightweight alloy materials and structures and manufacturing methods, strengthening mechanisms of metallic materials from solidification, casting, deformation, and heat treatment.
Prof. Surjit Mukherjee
Professor of Physics
Adjunct Professor
Manipal Institute of Technology,
Manipal, India.
Email: sk.mukherjee-phy@msubaroda.ac.in
Research Interests: Modern Physics, Heat & Thermodynamics, Acoustics, Statistical Mechanics, Optics, Fundamentals of Bio-Medical Physics (Theory and Experiment) to the Medical Students, LASER.
Executive Editor
Dr. S. A. Iqbal
Crescent College of Technology
Bhopal, MP
Email: editor@materialsciencejournal.org
Editorial Board Members
Dr. Sami H Mahmood
Physics Professor
Dean of Science
The University of Jordan, Amman
Email: s.mahmood@ju.edu.jo
Web: http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/s.mahmood/default.aspx
Scopus ID: 7103283349
Research Interests: Physics and Astronomy, Materials Science Engineering, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Earth and Planetary Sciences Multidisciplinary.
Dr. Roberto Acevedo
Full Professor
Universidad San Sebastián
Santiago Province
E-mail: roberto.acevedo.llanos@gmail.com
Scopus ID: 7003836387
Research Interest: Linear and no linear optics in new inorganic luminescent materials of the rare earth, Dynamics of crystals.
Cooperative effects, Jahn – Teller (Static and dynamics), Pseudo Jahn – Teller in coordination compounds of the transition metal and lanthanide complex ions.  


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Dr. Oscar Jaime Restrepo Baena
Profesor Titular
Departamento de Materiales y Minerales
Facultad de Minas
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín
Email: ojrestre@unal.edu.co
Scopus ID: 28367902700
Research Interests:Mineral Institute: Cimex. Extractive metallurgy, high temperature processes, Group of Cement and Construction Materials: Clinker manufacturing, Cement chemistry, Ceramic and Vitreous Group: Traditional ceramic materials, ceramic pigments. 


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Dr. G. Rajarajan
Professor & Director (Accreditation and Research),
Valluvar College of Science and Management,
Karur – 639 003, Tamil Nadu, India.
Scopus Id: 57200782595
Research Interests: Crystal Growth, Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Thin Films, Nanomaterials, and Acoustics.
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Krishnan
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
National University of Science and Technology (NUST)
in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Oman.
Scopus Id: 57205494185
Research Interests: Metal Matrix Composite (MMC’s), Computer-Aided Design & Manufacturing, AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, Solid Works, CNC Simulator and Emulator, PTC Creo, Engineering Graphics, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Hydraulics Systems
Dr. Fausto Pedro García Márquez
Full Professor
University of Castilla-La Mancha,
Web: https://blog.uclm.es/faustopedrogarcia/
Email: FaustoPedro.Garcia@uclm.es
Scopus Id: 57200782595
Research Interests: Development Algorithms for New Predictive Maintenance Techniques, Logistics, Life Cycle Cost, Digital Signal Processing, Business Intelligence.
Dr. Katabathini Narasimharao
Professor of Physical Chemistry
Department of Chemistry , Faculty of Science
King Abdulaziz University (KAU)
Jeddah 21589 , Saudi Arabia
Email: katabathini@yahoo.com; nkatabathini@kau.edu.sa
Scopus Id:55331248800
Research Interest: Metal oxides; zeolites; oxidation catalysis; liquid phase catalysis; photocatalysis
Dr. Sudheesh K. Shukla
Research Scientist
Department of Applied Chemistry
University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg
South Africa
E-mail: sudheeshkshukla010@gmail.com
Scopus ID: 55259828400
Research Interests: Fabrication and characterization of nanostructured materials,Hybrid nanocomposite for biosensor fabrication, Biomedical Nanotechnology, Molecular recognition,Material Science – Surface functionalization of polymeric materials and mimetic for sensing and catalysis, amperometric, photometric, electrochemical and optical techniques, Biosensor, personalized healthcare monitoring, Microsystem, Bioelectronics, Biomedical devices.
Dr. Parameshwaran. R
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Birla Institute of Technology & Science-Pilani (BITS-Pilani),
Hyderabad Campus
Email: parameshwaranr@hyderabad.bits-pilani.ac.in
Scopus ID: 16031739900
Research Interest: Development of novel nanomaterials embedded latent heat storage materials dedicated for thermal energy storage and heat transfer applications, nanomaterials, smart materials, thermal energy storage, phase change materials, and energy-efficient buildings.
Dr. Prasana Kumar Sahoo
Assistant Professor,
Materials Science Centre,
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur,
Kharagpur, West Bengal,India
Email: prasana@matsc.iitkgp.ac.in
Scopus ID: 57188971733
Research Interests: LEDs, photovoltaics and quantum technologies, nanomaterials, 2D materials and heterostructures (graphene and beyond), group III-V based semiconductor nanowires, materials synthesis and sensors.
Dr. Saleheh Abbaspoor
Assistant Professor,
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Damghan University,
Damghan, Iran
Web: http://faculty.du.ac.ir/s-abbaspoor/
E-mail: s.abbaspoor@du.ac.ir
Scopus Id: 56075763800
Research Interests: Polymeric Materials, Polymerization and Synthesis, Polymer Chemistry, Material Characterization, Chemical Engineering, Single Crystal, Crystallization, Polymer Physics, Polymer Brushes, Polymer Solar Cells, Surface Patterning, Crystallography, X-ray Diffraction, Thin Films and Nanotechnology, Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization, Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering, Nanomaterials, Dielectric and Conductive Polymers, Biocompatible and Biodegradable Polymers, Polyaniline, Poly(3-hexylthiophene), Photovoltaic Devices.
Dr. Pallavi Kushwaha
Senior Scientist
Department of Physical sciences
CSIR-National Physical Laboratory
New Delhi, India.
Web: https://www.nplindia.in/users/pallavikushwahanplindiaorg
E-mail: pallavi.kushwaha@nplindia.org
Scopus: 24171196100
Research Interests: Certified reference Materials, High-quality single crystal growth, Strongly Correlated Systems, conducting oxides, Low temperature condensed matter physics.
Dr. Keval Gadani
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Teacher Education (IITE), Gandhinagar Gujarat, India.
Email: kjgadani@gmail.com
Scopus ID: 57188663255
Research Interests: Condensed Matter Physics,Mixed Valent Manganites: Polycrystalline Bulk, Nanostructures, Thin Films, Devices, Multiferroics, Synthesis of Materials, Fabrication of Materials, Manganite.
Dr. Magdalena Valentina Lungu
Senior researcher
National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA
Email: magdalena.lungu@icpe-ca.ro
Web: www.brainmap.ro/profile/MAGDALENA-VALENTINA-LUNGU
Scopus Id:24080874500
Research Interests:plasmonic nanoparticles,nanostructured materials,micro/nanocomposites, electrical contact materials, antimicrobial applications, thin films, materials science and engineering
Dr. Subhasis Roy
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Calcutta
Kolkata, WB
E-mail: subhasis1093@gmail.com
Scopus Id: 55636321458
Research Interests: Ceramics, Solar Cells, Water splitting, advance materials.
Dr. Ozan Toprakci
Assistant Professor
Department of Polymer Engineering
Yalova University, Yalova
Scopus ID:35115620900
Research Interests: Materials Science, Chemistry, Energy Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics and Astronomy Environmental Science.
Professor Khalil Kassmi
Faculty of Science, Department of Physics
Director of the Laboratory: Electromagnetism Signal Processing and Renewable Energies LESPRE
Responsible of the Team: Materials Electronics and Renewable Energies MERE.
Mohamed Premier University, Oujda
Email: khkassmi@yahoo.fr
Scopus ID: 6602801435
Research Interests: Engineering Computer Science Physics and Astronomy Environmental Science Materials Science Mathematics Energy.
Prof. Dr. Sadek Khalifa Mohammed Shakshooki
Faculty of Science
Department of Chemistry
University of Tripoli
Tripoli, Libya
Email: shakshooki2002@yahoo.com
Scopus ID: 6602152920
Research Interests: Complex compounds of transition metals, Novel Nanomaterials, proton conductance, metal complexes,(TVMP),(TVMTe). Pellicular membranes, intercalation, heterocyclic compounds, glassy materials, inorganic membrane-membrane composites, pillared materials. Novel methods for synthesis and self doping of Conducting polymers and their copolymers, nanocomposite membranes.
Dr. Ajay Kumar Mishra
University of South Africa,
Florida Campus, South Africa
Director: Academy of Nanotechnology and Waste Water Innovations
Adjunct Professor, Jiangsu University, China
Email: ajaykmishraedu@gmail.com
Scopus ID: 55445633100
Research Interests: Nanoscience/Nanotechnology; Materials Science; Polymers; Composite/Nanocomposites; Photocatalysts and Water Research.
Dr. Anjanapura Venkataramanaiah Raghu
Allied Health Sciences,
BLDE Deemed-to-be University, Vijayapura, Karnataka, India.
Email: av.raghu@jainuniversity.ac.in
Scopus ID: 9273441700
Research Interest: Development of novel polymeric nanomaterials for Super-capacitor, Photo-catalytic, Fuel Cell, Battery Storage & Separation Applications, Energy & Environment Management, Water Treatment, Polymeric Drug Delivery System, Food & Microbial Chemistry, Solar Energy, Micro Electronic Device, etc.
Dr. Ayse Kalemtas
Associate Professor
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Bursa Technical University, Bursa
Email: ayse.kalemtas@btu.edu.tr
Scopus ID: 6504117608
Research Interests: ceramic materials, composites, armor materials, microstructural investigations.
Dr. Ramachandra Naik
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
New Horizon College Of Engineering
Bangalore, KA
Email: rcnaikphysics@gmail.com
Scopus ID: 55372881700
Research Interests: Materials Science Physics and Engineering Chemistry Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering.
Dr. Tejendra Kumar Gupta
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Amity Institute of Applied Sciences
Amity University
Noida, India
Email: tkgupta@amity.edu
Scopus ID: 55372881700
Research Interests: Synthesis of carbon nanotubes and graphene, their surface modifications, conductive bucky paper of carbon nanotubes and layered composites, fabrication, and design of polymer nanocomposites.
Dr. Nagaraja K. K.
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Manipal Institute of Technology
Manipal, KA
Email: nrajkk@gmail.com
Scopus ID: 37361491700
Research Interests: Condensed Matter Physics, Nonlinear Optics, III-V Materials for Optoelectronics.
Dr. Santanu Das
Assistant Professor,
Department of Ceramic Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (BHU),
Varanasi-221005 Uttar Pradesh, India
Scopus ID: 55605762040
Email: santanudas.cer@iitbhu.ac.in
Research Interests: Synthesis and electrical, mechanical and electrochemical properties of thin-films, two-dimensional (2D) graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC) materials and applications, field-effect transistors, energy storage, and sensors, carbon nanotubes, ZnO nanowires, and hybrid materials(Graphene/CNT hybrids and other 2D heterostructure).
Dr. Łukasz Łopusiewicz
Center of Bioimmobilisation and Innovative Packaging Materials
Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries
West Pomeranian University of Technology,
Szczecin, Poland
Scopus ID: 57192655684
Email: Lukasz.Lopusiewicz@zut.edu.pl
Research Interests: Biopolymers, Active Packaging, Antimicrobial Activity, Antioxidant Activity, Chemical Modification Of Biopolymers, Coatings, Edible Coating, Films.
Dr. Jaymin Ray
Assistant Professor,
Department of Physics,
UKA Tarsadia University,
Dist-Surat, Gujarat, INDIA
Scopus ID: 55435070600
Research Interests: Earth-abundant solution-based, vacuum processed fabrication and characterization of thin films and optoelectronic devices such as solar cells, photodetector, Schottky diodes and gas sensors. Solar PV rooftop grid-connected system.
Dr. Kishor Govindrao Rewatkar 
Professor and Head
Department of Physics
Dr. Ambedkar College,
Scopus ID:6506038609
Research Interests: Development of Nanoferrites, magnetic and electrical properties of nano-ferrites, magnetic materials and ferrites for various technological applications.
Dr. Carvalho Mendes de Oliveira Madivate
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), Maputo
Email: cmadivate@gmail.com
Scopus ID: 6602441569
Research Interests: Ceramics and Thermal Analysis. Management of solid waste. Processing of industrial residues.
Dr. Srinivasa C.V.
Professor & Dean IPR,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
GM Institute of Technology,
Karnataka, India
E-mail: srinivasacv@gmit.ac.in
Scopus Id: 36449626800
Research Interests: Mechanics of materials, Laminated composites and natural fiber composites, finite element method, experimental methods, buckling and free vibration, Sandwich structures
Dr. Y S Reddy
Assistant Professor (Sr)
Department of Physics
Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (A)
Gandipet, Hyderabad
Telangana State, India
E-mail: ysreddy.ou@gmail.com
Scopus Id: 56679070800
Research Interests: Physics and Astronomy Materials Science Engineering Chemistry Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Chemical Engineering
Dr. M. D. Mathew 
Associate Professor,
Department of Atomic Energy,
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research,
Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu, India.
Scopus ID: 7102742207
Research Interest: Internationally recognized for expertise in the field of mechanical properties of materials with more than 30 years of research experience in advanced fields of metallurgical engineering at Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR). IGCAR is a world-class nuclear research institute under the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India. It is engaged in mission oriented research in the area of fast reactor technology. The broad areas of expertise include all aspects of mechanical behavior of materials, and development of engineering materials for high temperature applications in nuclear fission and fusion reactors, and thermal power plants, as well as microstructure – mechanical properties correlation using advanced optical and electron-optical instruments. The specific fields of expertise include
Professor of Materials Engineering
Materials Science Research Group
University of Antioquia
Email: carmina.gartner@udea.edu.co
Scopus ID: 23106066800
Research Interests: Natural Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Polymer Sciences, Biomaterials, Materials Engineering, Composites, Laminates, Reinforced Plastics, Synthetic and Natural Fiber, Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials.
Dr. Arvind Kumar Singh
Associate Professor
Faculty of Medicine
The University of Tokyo,
Tokyo, Japan.
Scopus ID: 57117568100
Research Interests: Biopolymer-based, Amphiphilic Polymer Design and Synthesis; Peritoneal Adhesion Barriers, Hemostatic, Antimicrobial, Drug Delivery Systems, Tissue Engineering Scaffold Development and Preparation of Membrane for Water Desalination and Other Separation Application.
Dr Arvind Kumar Singh

Dr. Radha Raman Mishra
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering,
Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS),
Pilani, India.
Scopus ID:56963306800
Research Interest: Manufacturing Engineering (Microwave processing of materials, Aluminum alloys, composite materials, additive manufacturing, modelling and simulation).

Dr. Mahendra Yadav
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
IIT(ISM) Dhanbad, India.
Email: mahendra@iitism.ac.in
Scopus ID: 7102892599
Research interest: Applied Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Corrosion Science, Electrocatalysis, Hydrogen Energy
Note: Members of the Editorial Board will be reviewed periodically, to ensure that all members are super active and still willing to participate in the journal’s processes. Members can be added or removed at any time as decided by the editorial selection committee.
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