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Characterization and Dielectrical Study of Agi – Ag2O-P2O5-Fe2O3 Glass

Fathy Salman1, Mabrouk El-Mansy1, Ahmad Mostafa2 and Hany Hazzaa1

1Faculty of Science, Benha University, Benha (Egypt). 

2Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Nasr City (Egypt).


Article Publishing History
Article Received on : 3 Mar 2009
Article Accepted on : 30 Apr 2009
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Plagiarism Check: Yes
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Various compositions of silver conducting glasses [AgI – Ag2O-P2O5-Fe2O3 ] were prepared by melt quenching technique. X-ray diffraction (XRD),Mossbauer effect (ME), infrared (IR), differential thermal analysis (DTA) studies were carried. Dielectric measurements have been carried out on (50-x)P2O5-xAgI-40Ag2O-10Fe2O3 ,[x=0,5,10,15,20,30] glasses from 50 Hz upto 5MHz.The frequency dependence of the total conductivity is nearly constant at the low frequency, identified with the true dc ionic conductivity sdc (0) and at high frequencies an additional term increasing in a power law with exponent s<1 corresponds to translational hopping motion.Effect of frequency and temperature on dielectric constants and dielectric loss is studied. The general behaviour of e?? shows a decrease with increasing frequency following a power relation with exponent m>1 and activation energy values of Wm about 0.042-0.016 eV lower than obtained using dc conductivity.

KEYWORDS: Dielectric study; silver conducting glassess; different techniques

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Salman F, El-Mansy M, Mostafa A, Hazzaa H. Characterization and Dielectrical Study of Agi – Ag2O-P2O5-Fe2O3 Glass. Mat.Sci.Res.India;6(1)

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Salman F, El-Mansy M, Mostafa A, Hazzaa H. Characterization and Dielectrical Study of Agi – Ag2O-P2O5-Fe2O3 Glass. Mat.Sci.Res.India;6(1). Available from:

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