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Dielectric Behaviour, Complex Impedance Spectroscopy and Magnetoelectric Effect in Mcfo-Bt Composites

S.V. Kulkarni, S.S. Veer, D.J. Salunkhe, S.B. Kulkarni1 and P.B. Joshi*

1Institute of Science, Mumbai (India).

2Department of Physics, Solapur University, Solapur - 413 255 (India).


Article Publishing History
Article Received on : 2 Nov 2009
Article Accepted on : 19 Dec 2009
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Plagiarism Check: Yes
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The paper deals with synthesis of BaTiO??3 (BT) and Co1-xMgxFe2O4 (MCFO) powder via hydroxide coprecipitation route. The nanocomposites containing (X)Co0.7Mg0.3Fe2O4+(1-X) BaTiO??3 (MBT) are prepared for x=0.2, 0.3,0.4,0.5 and 0.6 and sintered at Ts=10750C, 11500C and 12250C. In this paper we report the crystal structure, microstructural analysis, dielectric constant, Complex Impedance Spectroscopy and magnetoelectric properties of MBT composites. It has been observed that increase in ?r in the paraelectric region is prominent for lower frequencies which is attributed to the presence of interfacial polarization at the boundaries between BT and ferrite phases. Here the complex impedance spectroscopy is carried out on the MBT composites to determine various relaxation processes responsible for the dielectric behaviour of the composite. Further the magnetoelectric coefficient ? is observed to decrease with increasing Ts which is associated with the grain growth and occurrence of voids for increasing Ts.

KEYWORDS: Magnetoelectric effect; Dielectric properties; ME Composites; Complex impedance spectroscopy

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Kulkarni S. V, Veer S. S, Salunkhe D. J, Kulkarni S. B, Joshi P. B. Dielectric Behaviour, Complex Impedance Spectroscopy and Magnetoelectric Effect in Mcfo-Bt Composites. Mat.Sci.Res.India;6(2)

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Kulkarni S. V, Veer S. S, Salunkhe D. J, Kulkarni S. B, Joshi P. B. Dielectric Behaviour, Complex Impedance Spectroscopy and Magnetoelectric Effect in Mcfo-Bt Composites. Mat.Sci.Res.India;6(2). Available from:

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