Taha Sheikh

Panorama View of Most Voguish Field Effect Transistor (FET) Based Biosensors

Biosensors have been widely used in a variety of applications since its inception by Clark et.al., in 1962 including cancer diagnosis, toxin detection, food analysis, health prognosis, etc. 1-5. A biological receptor and a physical-chemical transducer are typically combined to form biosensors, analytical devices that translate biological responses into electrical signals. While the latter translates responses from the biochemical domain, …

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Materials for Humanitas

Human population has been increased more than 10 times since industrial revolution and it is expected to increase more than 20% in the next 80 years. Considering the currently used materials and production techniques, 1-fold increase in population causes 1.8-fold increase in demands. This increase leads to development of new materials and production techniques. Today, annual material consumption has exceeded …

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Influence of Heat Treatment on Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Toonaciliata M. Roem. Wood

Introduction Wood is heterogeneous substance composed of cellulose, hemicelluloses andlignin1 and their composition varies among different morphological areas.2 It is a sustainable resource which has been used in both indoor and outdoor applications since ancient times. ToonaciliataM. Roem,is also known as the Red Cedar, Tuni and Indian Mahogany, of family Meliaceae, grows in a subtropical climate in moist localities such …

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Single Crystalline Zinc Oxide Nanorods Grown by R-F Sputtering Technique onto P-Si Substrate for Sensing Applications

Introduction ZnO is very low cost and a nontoxic material that can be found naturally as rock salt, zinc blend and hexagonal structure wurtzite phase1-3. From these three different phases the wurtzite crystal system is the most common and famous demonstrated in several activity and stable in a wide range of variation of surrounding environmental conditions. The lattices constant of …

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Evaluation of Conducting and Tensile Properties of Reduced Graphene Oxide/ Polybutylene Adipate Terephthalate (RGO/PBAT) Nanocomposites

Introduction Graphene-based materials that are graphene, graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) have received considerable attention due to their high potential for many practical applications including creation of new materials and innovative electronics. Mostly, graphene-based materials are used in applications in the form of composites with other materials such as polymers because they enhance properties of such materials …

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Zinc Chloride Ameliorates the Adverse Effects of Silver Nitrates Compared to Silver Nanoparticle in Post-Natal Model of Toxicity

Introduction Since the early centuries, silver ions have been used as a biocide, antibacterial, disinfectant, and antiseptic against pandemic diseases such as cholera, eye infection, and burn wounds 1. Silver-based products have recently been employed in a variety of food industries, including food packaging materials, medical healthcare, and hard surface materials and textiles.2, 3. There is a lot of evidence …

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Optimized Structure, in Silico Interaction and Molecular Docking Analysis of Two Benzimidazole-2-Thione Derivatives

Introduction Acinetobacter (Gram-negative) is a genus of microorganisms belonging to the proteobacteria family, whose species are found in a wide variety of environments1. The bacteria extensively spread in hospitals where they offer the risk of transmitting resistance to other pathogens2. Most of the bacterial infections are commonly caused by Staphylococci and it is considered to be the most important source of …

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Characterization and Modification of Clay for Removal of Drinking Water Hardness

Introduction Water is a biological necessity of humans, plants, and animals on the earth. Less than 1% of freshwater is accessible from the ground water level for human consumption. In some cases, the resource does not satisfy the desirable levels regarding their chemical composition such as hardness, nitrate contamination, heavy metals, soluble iron, etc. Among these factors, water hardness is …

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Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties of Coffea Arabica/Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite Prepared by Green Synthesis

Introduction Coffee leaves have been used in food and medicine 1. It has a long history in tropical medicinal application 2. An attention has been gained for ethno-pharmacological applications due to its abundant bioactive phytochemicals such as phenolic acids, flavonoids, phytosterol, amino acids, alkaloids, carotenoids, terpenes, tannins, which are devoted to their anti-bacterial, anti-fungi, antioxidant, anti-hypertensive and anti-inflammatory activities. Type …

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Magnetic and Structural Behaviour of Cobalt and Nickel Substituted Calcium W-type Nanosize Hexaferrites

Introduction Magnetic materials are ubiquitous throughout industry. Two well-known major branches of magnetic materials are metallic magnetic materials and ceramic mag-oxides. These magnetic materials are called ferrites. There are three types of ferrite materials: spinels, garnets and hexaferrites 1-5. The spinels and garnets exist as cubic crystal structures, whereas the hexaferrites exist as hexagonal crystal structures. Basically, different crystal structures …

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Green Synthesis of Ceria Nanoparticles using Azadirachta Indica Plant Extract: Characterization, Gas Sensing and Antibacterial Studies

Introduction Material science is highly versatile branch which covers almost every field of science and technology. The new materials under the heading of nanotechnology are being reported by the researchers such as nanocomposites, modified semiconductors, transition metal doped materials, nanomaterial synthesis using plant extract etc. There is variety of materials reported by the researchers based on the green chemistry approach. …

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Failure Analysis of Wire Ropes Used in Multi-Wire Machines for Cutting Blocks of Stone

Introduction Wire ropes with diamond beads used in machines for cutting blocks of stone are subjected to fatigue, contact fatigue, corrosion and corrosion-fatigue loads in an aggressive environment. As shown in Figure 1 1-3, multi-wire machines for cutting blocks of stone are made of two structural main components: the supporting structure, fixed with flanged bolts to the ground, (1 in …

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Design, Fabrication and Development of House hold Utensil Cleaning Machine

Introduction Accurate and critical cleaning with the help of advance technique is now a day in industry as well as domestic are huge in demand to avoid situation like pandemic due to unwanted and unknown disorder. The rapid progression in various current advances and the reliable example in scaling down of parts have made a necessity for advanced tidiness levels. …

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Effect of Kota Stone Slurry Powder in Fresh and Hardened Concrete: A Review

Introduction Cement is an essential construction material 1 since it is widely used as a binder in the making of mortar 2. Nevertheless, manufacturing of cement results in discharge of greenhouse gases in the environment 3. According to research conducted by Joseph Davidovit it was elaborated that while producing every ton of cement, about 1 ton of CO2 is released …

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