Mechanical and Microstructure Properties on Al-Cu Joint processed by Friction Stir Welding: The Effect of Tilt Angle Tool
, Jon Affi2
, Devi Chandra2, Mochamad Asrofi2,3
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bengkalis State Polytechnic, 28711, Bengkalis-Riau-Indonesia
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Andalas University, 25163, Padang-Sumatera Barat-Indonesia
3Laboratory of Material Testing, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Jember, 68121, Jember-Jawa Timur-Indonesia
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Article Publishing History
Article Received on : 11-Jan-2019
Article Accepted on : 20-Feb-2019
Article Published : 25 Feb 2019
Plagiarism Check: Yes
Second Review by: Pavan Hiremath
Final Approval by: Manoj Gupta
Article Metrics
The tilt angle tool on Aluminum A5083 and Copper C11000 joint processed by Friction Stir Welding (FSW) was observed in this study. The rotation speed and transverse speed were used as a parameter process for 2500 rpm and 30 mm/min, respectively. The tensile test and microstructure observation were carried out to determine the tensile strength and metal flow on Al-Cu joint, respectively. The result shows that the highest tensile strength was in 2o tilt angle tool for 105 MPa. Its fracture surface was more close to Al and formed brittle formation.The metal flows of Al-Cu with 0o and 2o were not homogeneous and formed an agglomeration of Cu particle to Al surface.
Al-Cu Joint; Friction Stir Welding; Mechanical Properties; Microstructure; Tilt Angle
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Jupri, Affi J, Chandra D, Asrofi M. Mechanical and Microstructure Properties on Al-Cu Joint processed by Friction Stir Welding: The Effect of Tilt Angle Tool. Mat.Sci.Res.India;16(1).
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Jupri, Affi J, Chandra D, Asrofi M. Mechanical and Microstructure Properties on Al-Cu Joint processed by Friction Stir Welding: The Effect of Tilt Angle Tool. Mat.Sci.Res.India;16(1). Available from:
Friction stir welding is one part of solid welding and founded by The Welding Institute in 1991. FSW utilize the heat from friction the tool against the workpiece under the axial pressure of the weld area so as resulting the metal soften, mix and deform, but not the melting of metals.1,2
Material joining with different types of material such as Al-Cu using FSW produces intermetallic compounds welded joints.3-6 This case was different from fusion welding. In FW process the welded area easy to form the porosity, cracks, and defects on the sides of weld joints.7-9
Joining material with FSW requires several parameter processes to determine a result of the welding. The tool design can affect the mechanical properties and microstructure of welded joints between Al-Cu.10,11 In addition, another important parameter was the tool angle with slope range 0-3°, rotation speed tool and traverse speed during the FSW process.5, 12-17 Mohanty et al., reported that the influence of shoulder and pin probe diameter on the results of welded joints.18 Previous researchers also reported about pin geometry affects the metal flow behavior and strain distribution when the metal stirring process is on the advancing and reversing side.19-23 Threaded pins have the ability to produce and maintain continuous heat.24-26 Thus, affecting mechanical properties,27-29 and physical from welded joints.27,30
According to the best our knowledge, there is a little information about the effect of tool angle on Al-Cu joint processed by FSW. Therefore, the aim of this study was to know the mechanical and microstructural properties of Al-Cu joint fabricated by FSW. The tool material and the welded material were used tool steel H13 and Al A5083-Cu C11000, respectively.
Experimental procedure (Materials and Methods)
H13 tool steel was produced by means of the annealing process at 845-900° C and classified into chromium hot work steels due to there are carbide elements such as chromium and vanadium. H13 steel has the toughness and recommended as a tool material due to its resistance to high temperatures. The chemical composition of H13 steel can be seen in Table 1.31
Table 1: Composition limits for hot-work tool steels.31
Composition, wt %
Chromium hot-work steel
0.30 max
The aluminium alloy A5083 and Cu C11000 were used as a welded joint material. Aluminium was produced by means of annealing and in the heat treatment process was added 4.5% magnesium and 0.7% manganese. The addition of elements was to make tolerate ability, rolled ability, improve strength, wear resistance and extrusion.32 Table 2 shows the chemical composition of Al A5083. While the Cu C11000 material has 99% Cu content.33 The chemical composition of Cu C11000 can be seen in Table 3.
Table 2: Composition of wrought aluminium alloys.32
Composition, wt%
Unspecified other elements
Table 3: Composition of copper.4
Composition, wt %
FSW process was carried out by using a milling machine, the shape of the design tool was trapezoidal and butt-joint welded joints. The FSW joint material was Al A5083 and Cu C11000. The machining parameters and other parameters can be seen in Table 4. After the welding process then specimen was manufactured which refer to the ASTM E8 / E8M standard for tensile test,34 and ASM Metal Vol. 9 for microstructure tests.35
Table 4: Parameter process friction stir welding.
Parameter process
Shape of tool
Pin length
3.7 mm
Pin (ᴓ)
4-5 d
Shoulder (ᴓ)
18 d
Rotation speed (N)
2500 rpm
Transverse speed(F)
30 mm/min
Tilt angle
0° and 2°
Tensile Properties
Table 5 shows the mechanical properties of butt-joint welded, wherein the process of Al-Cu joint, the parameters process used were 2500 rpm of spindle rotation speed, 30 mm / min of feeding speed and tool slope angle (0° and 2°). At the Al-Cu joint with a slope angle of 0° the location of the friction stir processed zone is more towards to Al, then on the fracture surface, there is a buildup of Cu particles and resulting 90 MPa.
While, Al-Cu joint with a slope angle of 2°, the fractured material location occurs in the friction stir processed zone area towards Al and Cu fractions attached and resulting 105 MPa. The fracture shape of the welded joint with a slope angle of 0° and 2° was brittle due to the shiny surface, there is no necking on the test specimen and extends to form a straight line from the weld joint. The lowest strength of the weld joint on 0° of slope angle due to the non-spread evenly of Al and Cu metal during friction stir welding in the processed zone.
Table 5: Tensile Test Result
Table 6 displays a microstructural image of welded joints with slope angles of 0° and 2°. Microstructure observations were seen through the side, namely top surface(friction stir processed zone.
The microstructure showed differences in the flow of Al-Cu metals. In FSW zone, the Al-Cu flow is not spread evenly due to slight displacement and shaped like a line. While, in the friction stir processed zone, the flow of Al-Cuis not evenly distributed, the transfer of Cu metal to Al is not evenly distributed along the mixing zone and the shape of the surface forms a little zigzag.
Table 6: Optical microscope observation.
Based on the result, we can conclude that:
- The highest tensile strength was in 2o slope angle for 105 MPa. This is due to a good Al-Cu flow during friction stir welding in friction stir zone.
- The microstructural observation showed an inhomogeneous of Al-Cu flow on all side of friction stir processed zone.
Acknowledgements and Funding Source
This research was funded by “LPDP (Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education) from the Ministry of Finance Indonesia with the project name “Master Thesis Research”. We also thanks to Ministry of Finance Indonesia for supporting my master study at Andalas University, Indonesia.
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