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Design and Modelling of Human Body Temperature Detection Doors

Theerkadharshini. S1*, Mudinour Lokeswary1, Anbarasu. A1 , Caral1, Hari Shankar. P1, K. Mohan das2

1Department of Civil Engineering Saveetha Engineering College Chennai, Tamil Nadu India.

2Department of Civil Engineering, CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Kandlakoya, Telangana, India.

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Article Publishing History
Article Received on : 29 Feb 2024
Article Accepted on : 29 Jun 2024
Article Published : 28 Dec 2024
Plagiarism Check: Yes
Reviewed by: Dr. Rakhi Bhattacharjee
Second Review by: Dr. M. Narasimha Murthy
Final Approval by: Dr. Sudeesh K Shukla
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ABSTRACT: The later Covid 19 widespread has raised concerns approximately existing security measures to control the spread of the malady through touch and contact. One of the security measures is wearing veils in open places and all over. In this paper, there's a savvy entryway that employments a machine learning show to track body temperature. The planned show can be utilized for any school, college, shopping center, in, loft entrance, etc. The result may be a cost-effective and solid strategy of utilizing Arduino, PIR sensor, and MLX90614 to construct a sound environment. The assessment of the proposed system is carried out in such a way that the body temperature of the person is checked by employing a non-contact temperature sensor (below 38ºC). This programmed entryway framework employments an infrared temperature sensor with an Arduino uno to associate sending temperature estimation information to a database. The microcontroller can peruse the estimation of the user's body temperature, in case the body temperature is typical, the programmed entryway will open without touching the handle. In this way, the spread of the transmission of the coronavirus can be minimized, since there's no contact with objects that individuals regularly utilize, to specific handles. In this venture, an endeavor was made to create a model-programmed temperature location framework. KEYWORDS: Arduino; Body temperature tracking; PIR sensor; MLX90614; non-contact temperature sensor

Copy the following to cite this article:

Theerkadharshini S, Lokeswary M, Anbarasu A, Caral C, Shankar P. H, Das K. M. Design and Modelling of Human Body Temperature Detection Doors. Mat. Sci. Res. India;21(3).

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Theerkadharshini S, Lokeswary M, Anbarasu A, Caral C, Shankar P. H, Das K. M. Design and Modelling of Human Body Temperature Detection Doors. Mat. Sci. Res. India;21(3). Available from:


The programmed room passage plot is made for ceaseless utilization all throughout the widespread to avoid the spread of the coronavirus, which can be transmitted through the coordinate exchange of things falsified to go with the infection. Until now, it is exceptionally troublesome to avoid the spread of this illness, and the transmission of humble causes can happen through intangible contact, which may not be troublesome to watch by the populace when hitting standard objects or objects that are regularly second-hand, one of them being entryway handles. This mechanical input to the building framework employments a blood temperature sensor color with an Arduino uno to interface temperature estimation documentation in travel to the table. The microcontroller can demonstrate the warm estimation of the user’s cadaver, on the off chance that the warm of the outline is Alright, the programmed entrance to the room will open from the exterior by touching the handle1. Hence, the spread of coronavirus transmission can be minimized since there’s no contact with objects that are regularly utilized by the populace, to be specific doorknobs.

In the period of 2019, there was a qualified mistake that was spreading all through the nation and murdering more individuals, microscopic organisms were chosen as Crown and it began within the put of Wuhan, China. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced a worldwide well-being emergency on January 30, 2020, so the all-inclusive well-being emergency started on Walk 11, 2020. This bacterium has touched numerous countries and keeps bureaucracy dead.

To decreaseCOVID-19, the organization has taught people as a country to hold up households within the occasion that they are at any risk, bear the conclusion with a monotonous cover, and utilize cleaner all the time when they are in all places. To meet desires, we think small of the spread of enduring. Crown minuscule life forms will clearly impact parts such as bronchi, pith, experiences, kidneys, stomach-related tract, liver, vocal organs, and distinctive substances. Most low-c Coronavirus disorders are franticness, hacking, fatigue, and misfortune of taste or smell6. Defilement of fever and cough will unquestionably spread to each of them by influencing the bureaucracy4. In order for the administration not to hone neighborly separate, to stay with small unsettling influence in all places such as shopping centers, divisions, stages, etc., most of the individuals as a political unit were observed by this arrangement and complied the government rules for fear that since of this work out Radiance, microscopic organisms has abbreviated over the globe But in numerous cases we cannot make a world without infections going with these sorts of bearings since numerous of the public will not see their control for fear that we are actualizing sensor entryways in our extend.

Literature review

In a study, Rob.G.J.Wijnhoven (2011)2 currently elaborated a new arrangement for mechanical marking of vehicles as one thoughtful plan to control approach to workplace entrance. With the help of a video camera in the door, the vans are discovered and duplicated on the table of verified machines. Once the car is discovered, License Plate Recognition (LPR) is used using type detection and confirmation. The license plate number found is duplicated in the table of verified brands. If the limousine is allowed access, a disclaimer will inevitably open up. The validation of two joint machines and shapes (LPR) is performed using new shape descriptors and a continuous classifier. Experiments have shown that 90% of all Jeeps are correctly verified from just one concept. Computational complexity analysis shows that the established exercise allows user confirmation in almost 300ms, which is within the requirement constraint.

In a study by Yufeng Sun (2021)3 on Multiple sensors are often used in robotics for better situational awareness. The mix of sensors is thus becoming the key electronics to survive diverse news beginnings and play a critical role for the advancement of electronic tasks in the way object detection and tracking, independent travel, and interplay accompany people. With this efficiency, turned independent cars can be used to mechanize several public duties. Skilled, however, they are still a challenge for turned vehicles to maneuver the cruel center carefully and nimbly. One of these problems is the lack of effectiveness of self-assistance and traveling out the door using an approximate electronic arm (handle). Independent movement of the door openings is a complex task that involves recognizing the release and the door handle, guiding the route, often through water, to the release, controlling the release from the release handle, and pulling or aggressively releasing the release to open while traveling. opening. Self-closing doors raise important difficulties for the last step, as disclaimers usually require opening when the taxi passes through the door. This paper presents a pattern using sensor force concept fusion to enhance the deep gain (RL) process for a rotated ship to handle the most problematic step of room entry-start and pass-through motion. Pull this search step and hold the self-closing entrance to the building open while the car blocks the opening. In our solution, the bicycle is equipped together with a video camera, a force sensor, and a short door chance means. The procedure was faked in a gazebo and the results showed that the open ocean RL sensor force concept fusion design can be favorably applied to the task of self-closing room entry by pulling a wheeled tool from the outside using an electronic arm and a pre-planned course outside. Cabin controls were prepared outside using randomization rules, but still all in variant atmospheres.

In a study Dwi Iskandar (2021)7 has processed on Conventional doors customarily include a key shelter and a key howdah to open it. In the current universal position that has stood on account of COVID-19, so every human is necessary to be cautious to a degree tiring a mask consistency a distance, washing hands, not affecting all in another way superfluous. Research Methods Literature Study, Collection of upholding fabrics and forms, Program Design and Realization, Testing and Analysis of Program results, Making Final Report. The mechanical entrance to room control whole accompanying a body hotness sensor is a original created for fear that the spread of COVID 19 by lowering direct tangible contact that is to say spread through beads attributed to normal doorknobs. Technology maybe executed in busy districts to a degree buying centres, offices, saloons that are established in household districts or household fields that are not unprotected to direct light part of every 24 hours.

Timo Hoek (2022)5, The Spanish dwellings stock is, approximately, 45 age traditional and is in the lower part of the strength effectiveness including, accompanying an average appraisal of ‘E’. The market is improving so energetically from the Covid-19 hit that some voices in the area inform that we are earlier folds the origin of a new land “boom” that will persist until 2023. According to various projections, the number of dwellings in Spain commit increase by 1,103,761 (5.9%) betwixt 2020 and 2035, arriving 19,796,040. As is the case at the European level, the non- dwellings retail is the individual with ultimate changeable perspective: it has endured a specifically negative old age 2020 (-14.2%). The forecast for the following age includes development (about 2.5% done yearly) but apparently lacking to restore the wasted market capacity. In a authoritarian sense, it cannot be decided that the all-encompassing advertise is in a breakable position, but niches accompanying actual push (management and agencies) are existing together accompanying others place the demand raises questions. Although the Recovery Plan involves particular articles for instruction, well-being and touristry, it is not expected that they will finish up bearing a important affect explanation.

Shiva Shankar (2021)4 During this universal position the cleanliness play a very main duty, our project activity sense mechanical entrance to building gap plan established human shift is helps in places like institution of higher education school lodging and etc. To mechanize the process of beginning and closing the doors to sense the carcass hotness of the woman nearing Thereby making the process of warm dividing ester, effective and more working.

Existing System

In order to treat and control illnesses, it is essential for hospitals to monitor patient body temperatures. frequently lack precision. This was improved with the development of a new system that measures body temperature precisely by utilizing several DS18B20 sensors.An AT89C52 microcontroller processes the signals before sending them wirelessly to a central monitoring station viaan RF905 Wi-fi device11. This configuration successfully satisfies hospital criteria by ensuring temperature measurements that are accurate to within 0.1°C 8. real – time data collection also entails keeping an eye on pulse rate and spotting in body temperature from normal.

Using Arduino and XBee technology, data from volunteers is wirelessly transferred to a nearby computer for storage and display9. By activating sensors remotely from the computer, energy consumption is maximized.In order to treat and control illnesses, it is essential for hospitals to monitor patient body temperatures. Conventional techniques can be time-consuming and frequently lack precision. This was improved with the development of a new system that measures body temperature precisely by utilizing several DS18B20 sensors. An AT89C52 microcontroller processes the signals before sending them wirelessly to a central monitoring station via a nRF905 Wi-Fi device 10. This configuration successfully satisfies hospital criteria by guaranteeing temperature measurements that are accurate to within 0.1°C. Real-time data collection also entails keeping an eye on pulse rates and spotting variations in body temperature from normal. Using Arduino and XBee technology, data from volunteers is wirelessly transferred to a nearby computer for storage and display. By activating sensors remotely from the computer, energy consumption is maximized12.

Applications for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) include environmental sensing, medical monitoring, home automation, and seismic activity detection. The goal of this project is to create WSN models using temperature sensors that are PIC microcontroller-based. Environmental factors have a big impact on how well these sensors work. This paper aims to identify and elucidate the obstacles to WSN adoption, such as constraints in laboratory testing and clinical trials. For example, long-term skin temperature monitoring and real-time analysis are used to research the impact of sleep deprivation on circadian rhythms. Wearable sensors are essential for controlling variables such as alcohol consumption to maximize energy efficiency and modify mechanical processes. A wireless system that is non-intrusive was created to accurately measure body temperatures across a broad range, with a precision of 0.02°C. It is anticipated that this innovation would improve medical research by giving medical practitioners timely information and support.


Figure 1: Methodology.

Click here to View Figure

Working Strategy of Programmed Entryway Framework

Figure 2: Working Strategy of Programmed Entryway Framework

Click here to View Figure

The suggested system consists of an Arduino Uno microcontroller, an infrared temperature sensor, a PIR sensor for the development area, servo motors to be driven for opening and closing the entryway, and an LED buzzer that indicates the area where the person’s temperature is more noticeable than usual.The heart of the system is Arduino Uno R3, the microcontroller. The hail from the PIR sensor is related to the adhere 2 of the Arduino Uno. To begin with, the closeness of any human is recognized by the PIR Sensor, which can be fulfilled by identifying any moving address. The estimation of temperature is done utilizing a contactless infrared temperature sensor (MLX90614). At whatever point the abdicate from the PIR Sensor is found to be tall, at that point the degree of temperature is being considered for choosing whether to open the entryway or not.

The travelers pass one by one. The inputs to the Arduino Uno R3 are the PIR Sensor, MLX90614. The abdicate of the Arduino is given to Driven and the Littler scale Servo motor MG90s. The serial clock and serial data of the MLX90614 temperature sensor are related to pins A5, and A4 independently to the Arduino. The communication is based on the I2C convention. The temperature being measured by MLX90614 is checked by Arduino to affirm on the off chance that it lies interior the normal temperature compel. At whatever point the Arduino recognizes the temperature to be interior the limit set by the client, at that point the Arduino sends beat width changed hail to the servo motor, being related to stay 9.

At that point, the servo motor turns from 900to 1800in orchestration to open the entryway for a person. After the person enters the room, the entryway must be closed so that the other arriving people’s entry can be restricted. Regularly done by turning of servo engine from 1800 to 900. Subsequently, the entryway can be closed. As a rule, it fits inside the case of a single entryway section. In case of temperature measurement is found by the Arduino to be outside the set limit, at that point there’s no advancement of the entryway. Instep, the Arduino incites the Driven to sparkle or the buzzer as a sign of the tall or outstandingly more temperature human body being recognized by the proposed system.

Figure 3: Working Algorithm.

Click here to View Figure

Benefits for Clients

Provide visitors and temperature screens with reassurance.

Potentially reduce guests’ direct touch with temperature panels.

Ensuring the safety and comfort of every guest.

It is possible for the client to ascertain the temperature of his body.


A model was made for the expanded illustration. Depending on the body temperature the get to the entryway is controlled. Basic scrutinizing like date, temperature scrutinizing and the concurring get to were celebrated. Readings have been taken in two successive days and the recognitions popular is said within the table 5.1.

Table 1: Access of the door based on temperature


(in degrees)

1 1-11-22 35.5 OPEN
2 1-11-22 36.9 OPEN
3 1-11-22 40 CLOSE
4 1-11-22 39 CLOSE
5 1-11-22 37 OPEN
6 2-11-22 37.8 OPEN
7 2-11-22 34.8 OPEN
8 2-11-22 37.5 OPEN
9 2-11-22 36.9 OPEN
10 2-11-22 37.45 OPEN
11 2-11-22 42 CLOSE


The body temperature sensor-equipped automated entryway control framework is finished.

This model’s setup makes use of an Arduino microcontroller that is programmed in C.The MLX90614 temperature sensor   can be used as a body temperature measurement device because its accuracy is 95% when compared to a thermogenic.

The test comes almost on the demonstration illustrating that all systems and components of the modified entryway control system with body temperature sensors can work with a rate level of 98%. Hence, in swarming zones—such as schools, universities, etc.—that are located in indoor areas or indoor zones that are not exposed to the sun, a modified entryway control system with a body temperature sensor can be implemented.


The author would like to express their gratitude towards Saveetha Engineering College Chennai,     Tamilnadu, India. For providing the necessary infrastructure to carry out this work successfully.

Funding Sources

We thank the following organizations for providing financial support that enables us to complete the study. 

Conflicts of interest

The authors do not have any conflict of interest.

Data Availability Statement

This statement does not apply to this article

Ethics Statement

This research did not involve human participants, animal subjects, or any material that requires ethical approval 

Author Contributions

Author SF is involved in data collection, experimental study and manuscript writing.

Author LP and MS was involved in conceptualization, guidance and critical review of the manuscript.


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