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Design, Fabrication and Development of House hold Utensil Cleaning Machine

Sumit Desai* and Dilip Choudhari

Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune-411018, Maharahstra, India.

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Article Publishing History
Article Received on : 9-Sep-2021
Article Accepted on : 5-Jan-2022
Article Published : 05 Jan 2022
Plagiarism Check: Yes
Reviewed by: Dr. Umesh Jagannath Tupe
Second Review by: Dr. Mohandas
Final Approval by: Dr. Sudheesh K. Shukla
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This work presents design and fabrication of efficient and economical ultrasonic utensil cleaning machine. Electrical energy is converted into Mechanical energy by transducer. Transducer vibrates with ultrasonic frequency supplied to it by the frequency producer. These vibrations produce cavitation bubbles in the solvent/water. The size of the bubbles is in micron range. The mass of the cavitation bubbles depend on the rate of recurrence of the transducer. These bubbles act as scrubber which scrub the surface of utensil thus removing the soils/dirt stick on it. The size of the bubble is so small it does not cause any damage to the surface of utensil. Higher the frequency, more homogeneous will be the cleaning. Rinsing is provided within the system which will make it more compact. To keep the contaminants away from the cleaned surface, sweep frequency is used. Rotation to the basket is given by the motor. This rotation helps to reduce the cycle time and also dry the surface of utensil by centrifugal action. So when the utensil is removed from the basket it is ready for use. By this technology cycle time will be reduced drastically. Without any human efforts it can clean the dirtiest stains from the oily utensils. All types of utensils can be cleaned whether it is ceramics, glass, copper, wood, aluminum, stainless steel, etc. This cleaning process is more hygienic and can clean more efficiently compared to conventional cleaning.

KEYWORDS: Contamination; Cleaning process; frequency; Transducer; Ultrasonic Cavitations

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Desai S, Choudhari D. Design, Fabrication and Development of House hold Utensil Cleaning Machine. Mat. Sci. Res. India;18(3).

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Desai S, Choudhari D. Design, Fabrication and Development of House hold Utensil Cleaning Machine. Mat. Sci. Res. India;18(3). Available from:


Accurate and critical cleaning with the help of advance technique is now a day in industry as well as domestic are huge in demand to avoid situation like pandemic due to unwanted and unknown disorder. The rapid progression in various current advances and the reliable example in scaling down of parts have made a necessity for advanced tidiness levels. Contamination in the degree of monolayers can change surface properties like wettability, association, optical or electrical qualities. Particles in the degree follow poisons like non-unpredictable turns of events (NVR) in the degree of pictogram/cm2 and micrograms/cm2 ionic in equivalent reach or hints of usage have become part of the bit by bit stresses in local similarly as industry like food, clinical, texture, material, etc. With the help of advance manufacturing engineers’ components which have been used in significant enterprises like semiconductors, car, circle drive, optics, ophthalmic, glass, clinical, aviation, device coatings and drugs. For instance, while NVR has not been a vehicle industry issue as of in the relatively recent past, it has been earnest for the semiconductor and the plate drive organizations for a serious long time. Follow foreign substances are not satisfactory in businesses, as may cause bond disappointments in a multi-covering measure that follows clean-up. For clear reasons, totally clean area are an incredibly basic necessity in cleaning various products manufacturing as well as daily domestic and industrial use appliances.

Figure 1: A Transverse type crack

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In order to select a convincing cleaning strategy, the three key factors that are likely to influence the cleaning result are cleaning science, cleaning method and cycle limitation. To look subject at different mixes of accessible cleaning techniques and their viability, or need there-of is gigantic. Another and progressed cleaning technique with the utilization of ultrasonic offers a few benefits over other ordinary strategies. The investigation is in this exploration work predominantly on ultrasonic cavitation’s and the ultrasonic cleaning instrument. Ultrasonic innovation is demonstrated to be an adaptable strategy for cleaning different natural, inorganic and molecule impurities from different metallic and non-metallic area surfaces. Ultrasonic, the sound you can’t hear has arisen as a significant instrument in accomplishing the tidiness needed by today is steadily propelling innovation.

Ultrasonic cavitation and accuracy Cleaning

Accuracy or essential cleaning of sections is the completed departure of unwanted pollutions to an optimal pre-set level. The pre-set level is routinely the base level at which no adversarial impacts happen in a subsequent action. To accomplish this level, it is fundamental not to introduce new contaminant(s) into the cleaning system. For example, if the cleaning of regular and ionic unfamiliar substances is refined by a fluid cycle, have great water and the legitimate boundaries in the flushing stages. The new contaminants will be other, residual chemicals or presumably ionic substances from the wash water. Because the dryness is moderate, deionized wash water can react on certain metal surfaces at high temperatures and leave unwanted stains or marks.

Following are the means which is utilized in Ultrasonic Cavitation measure

Ultrasonic Cavitation and Surface Cleaning System:

Ultrasonic waves create and equally disseminate cavitation collapses in a fluid medium. The conveyed energies wander and enter significant into opening, surprise openings and regions that are far off. The clearing of poisons is reliable and uniform, paying little heed to the intricacy and the calculation of the substrates which is showed up in figure (a).

Cavitation age and Abundance

Figure (b) portray the age cavitation through at any rate three stages nucleation, development and rough breakdown.

Ultrasonic recurrence and molecule removal

Particle removal efficiency showed that the ability to eject micron and submicron particles in deionized water increased with increasing repeatability. At 65 kHz, the cleaning efficiency for one micron particle is 95% compared to 88% at 40 kHz. A similar expansion of the evaluation results was recorded for the 0.5 and 0.7 micron particles.

Aqueous and Semi Aqueous Ultrasonic cleaning

figure (c) shows the cavitation age in fluid and semi watery; it is a more mind boggling marvel. Cleaning science, as a component of the general cleaning process, is a vital component in accomplishing the ideal neatness.

Mechanisms of Cleaning

Two primary advances happen in surface area cleaning. The underlying advance is unfamiliar substance expulsion and the second is keeping those toxins from re-sticking to the surface. The removal of different pollutants includes various instruments appeared if figure (d, e f and g), in view of the nature and/or the class of the foreign substance. The component of expulsion of natural toxins by cleanser includes wetting of the pollutant just as the substrate. As indicated by Young’s condition, this will bring about expanding the contact point between the toxin and the surface.

Redisposition of Contaminants

Pollutants is repressed by another instrument, by framing a obstacle between  cleaned area surface and eliminated toxin.

Cavitation and collapse

Cavitation “bubbles” are framed in spots of rarefaction when the fluid breaks or blasts because of the negative pressure component of the sound wave in the fluid. As the wave fronts pass, the cavitation “bubbles” oscillate under the influence of positive pressure, eventually developing to a precarious size. At long last, the vicious breakdown of the cavitation “bubbles” brings about collapses, which cause stun waves to be emanated from the sites of the breakdown. Decay and destruction of the ligament cavitations bubbles throughout the ultrasound-activated fluid, resulting from an effect commonly associated with ultrasound. Cavitation bubble collapses have been determined to generate excess temperatures of 10,000 ° F and pressures in excess of 10,000 PSI

Scheme 1

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System Description

An acoustic pulse outside the range audible to human hearing is the point at which ultrasound begins and the frequency range is equal to or greater than 20 kHz. Ultrasonic cleaning indicates that it uses sound waves in the 18/20 kHz or higher range.

Constructions of Ultrasonic Cleaning machine

Ultrasonic waves are mechanical stress waves generated by ultrasonic transducers with high repeatability, high voltage current generated by electronic generators (energy generators). The average modern high power generator produces ultrasonic frequencies from 20 to 120 kHz.

Regular PZT transducers are ordinarily mounted on the base as well as the sides of the cleaning tanks or inundated in the fluid. The produced ultrasonic waves proliferate oppositely to the reverberating surface. The waves associate with fluid media to produce cavitation collapses. Focused energy ultrasonic waves make microvapour in the fluid medium, which develop to greatest sizes corresponding to the useful ultrasonic recurrence and afterward collapse, delivering the air energies. The higher the recurrence, the more modest the cavitation size. The extreme focus ultra sonics can likewise develop pits to a greatest throughout a solitary cycle. At 20 kHz the air pocket size is roughly 170 microns in measurement. At a higher recurrence of 68 kHz, the complete time from nucleation to collapse is assessed to be about 25 kHz. At various frequencies, the base measure of energy needed to create ultrasonic cavities should be over the cavitation.

Figure 2: Complete setup of Ultrasonic Machine

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Constructions of Ultrasonic Cleaning machine

Following are the major terms related to the ultrasonic Cleaning:


A typical time for testing is two to ten minutes, since not many parts are adequately perfect inside a couple of moments.

Temperature and Chemistry

Commonly, ultrasonic cleaning area in a fluid arrangement is ideal at 1400F. Some high pH devices will require an increase in temperature to improve the synergistic effects of science.

Proximity to the transducer part apparatus plan

Most ultrasonic cleaning frameworks are intended for explicit applications. A few sections need separate fixture to isolate the part for resulting measures. A few sections require moderate turning or vertical movement during the cleaning to guarantee basic tidiness.

Ultrasonic yield repeat

Vast majority of ultrasonic cleanings that are performed today in mechanical systems use 40 kHz as a base repeat. Lower frequencies like 20-25 kHz are used for huge masses of metal where ultrasonic damage is negligible.

Watts per gallon

Graph 1

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3.75 W/sq-inch =0.58125W/cm2                    (this is OK)

14.4 W/Gallon =3.804077 W/lit                      (this is too low)

MPI standards

0.5 to 2W/cm210to 30 W/lit

Stacking – the volume (plan) of the part being cleaned

Load of the part to be cleaned should be thought of, as to shape and thickness. A huge thick mass won’t permit inner surfaces to be completely cleaned (i.e., metal castings). A dependable guideline for stacking is that the heap by weight ought to be not exactly the heaviness of a large portion of the water volume. Sometimes, it is smarter to ultrasonically clean two more modest burdens, as opposed to one bigger burden.

Major application of Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine

Food Industry

Medical Instruments

Clothing and Textiles Industry

Specification of Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine

Following table show the components which are majorly required and its specifications

Table 1: Specification of ultrasonic Cleaning machine


Name of the Components

Technical Specification


Frequency generator

Working Frequency

23.8 KHz(variable)

Working Current

0.65 A

Time control

0-600 minute

Ambient temperature

0-40 °C

Internal case overheat


65 C°

Relative humidity


Outlook size

350mm x 200mm x 250mm(L x W x H)



Model no.

S 25.38.1(Sparkler made)




3700 pF



Radiating surface Diameter


Resonance Resistance


Piezoceramics size

40 x 8(2 unit)




UNS S30400


380 mm


365 mm


1.2 mm


41 liters





Stainless Steel


Cylindrical shape


Wire Mesh


Electric motor


Single Phase AC motor


Pulley Drive



Input pulley diameter


Output pulley diameter


Input pulley Rpm


Output pulley Rpm


Pulley groove angle



Belt Drive




Polyester Cord Neoprene Jacket




05 mm


09 mm

Cross Section




Contact angle


Mathematical calculation and Cad Model

Calculation of torque acting on Basket

For the calculation of the torque required to rotate the basket, below calculation and method is used.

Following assumptions are made for the mesh basket:-

Cylindrical mesh basket is assumed as rectangular plate rotating about the lateral axis at centre.

Pressure distribution is linear.

Shape of utensil is assumed to be rectangular shape.

Equal area method is used i.e. area of utensil and assumed rectangle is same.

There are three types of force acting on the basket

Pressure Force

Shear Force

Gravitational force

As the shape of utensil is generally circular in shape but for the simplicity and sound designed, utensil shape is assumed to be thin rectangle at the center of basket.

Let, Dimension of assumed rectangular plate = 280mm × 160mm

H1 = Height of utensil plate from top of basket= 10mm

H2 = Height of utensil plate from top of basket=160mm

=Average depth of plate from free surface i.e. top of basket

is calculated by the following formula:-

Pressure acting at various points under static condition is expressed as follow:-

The above formula can be only used when the fluid is at rest i.e. stationary. As the maximum resistance or torque is required to just before the rotational motion, so till than the above equation can be applied. This leads to case of hydrostatic problem. Therefore the force acting on the plate is given by

The force acting oh half of the plate is

Therefore the total force acting on the plate is

As we all know that the torque is the product of force and the perpendicular distance for the axis of rotation i.e.

T = F x r

For the safety of the design it is assumed to be at a distance of 2/2 from the axis rotation

Therefore the force on one side of the plate i.e. 140mm of the length of plate

Therefore the total torque is the

Selection of Shaft from Catalogue

Material: – Stainless steel, grade 304

Grade 304/304L hardened steel (1.4301/1.4307) is the most generally utilized business grade of tempered steel and having magnificent erosion opposition at NRT. Therefore the shear stress is given as follow

By using Tresca or Von Mises

We Know, Torsional formula diameter of shaft is

d = 4.12 mm

Calculation of torque acting on Basket

CAD Model of Tank

Figure 4: CAD Model of Tank

Click here to View figure 

CAD Model of Basket

Figure 5: CAD Model of Basket

Click here to View figure

CAD Model of Utensil Holder

Figure 6: CAD Model of Utensil holder

Click here to View figure

CAD Model of Mounting of Transducer

Figure 7: CAD Model of Transducer Mounting

Click here to View figure

Complete Assembly

Figure 8: Complete assembly (Top View)

Click here to View figure 

Figure 9: Complete a assembly (isometric View)

Click here to View figure 

Finite Element Analysis

FEA of Basket

Boundary Condition:-

Moment: – 10 Nm to shaft holder

Material:- Structural Steel

Fixed point: – top of Basket

Figure 10: Analysis of Basket using ANSYS Software for Von Mises Stress

Click here to View figure 

Following is the ANSYS of the basket; it has been performed by applying 10Nm moment to the shaft holder and keeping the top of basket fixed. Material used is structural steel. The results obtained are within the limit with maximum deformation of 0.767 mm at the joint of shaft holder.

Figure 11: Analysis of Basket using ANSYS Software for Total Deformation

Click here to View figure

FEA of Shaft

Boundary Condition

Moment: – 10 Nm to shaft holder

Material:- Structural Steel

Fixed point:- down side of basket

Figure 12: Analysis of Shaft using ANSYS Software for Von Mises Stress

Click here to View figure

Following is the ANSYS of the shaft; it has been performed by applying 10Nm moment to the shaft having holed for fitting and fixing the down side. Material used is structural steel. The results obtained are within the limit with maximum stress of 259.01 MPa at the hole in the shaft.

Figure 13: Analysis of Shaft using ANSYS Software for Total Deformation

Click here to View figure

Experiment Result and Observation

Following table is the comparison between the existing machine and new designed machine:-

Table 2: Comparison between machines


Existing Machine

Designed Machine


30-60 minute






Water         Consumption




















Table 3: Experimental Results of Machine



Heating                       of


Time          Require            to





20 minutes




18 minutes




18 minutes




15 minutes




10 minutes




09 minutes




09 minutes




08 minutes




08 minutes




07 minutes




06 minutes




07 minutes




06 minutes




05 minutes




05 minutes




03 minutes




04 minutes




02 minutes




02 minutes




01 minutes

Following picture shows the component before and after clean:-

Figure 14: Utensil with oil as dirt

Click here to View figure

Figure 15: Utensil Cleaned by Designed Machine

Click here to View figure


Design and fabrication of the machine is successfully completed. Following are the conclusion:-

Cycle time of the designed machine in comparison with existing machine is very low.

No chemical cleaner is required.

Energy consumption is very less in comparison with existing machine.

Designed machine is economic and environmental friendly.

Weight of the designed machine is less as compared to existing.


We would like to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who assisted in preparing , editing and proofreading of the manuscript.

Conflict of Interest

There is no conflict of interest.

Funding Sources

There are no funding source.


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