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Symmetric Duality for Bonvex Multiobjective Fractional Continuous Time Programming Problems

Deo Brat Ojha*

Department of Mathematics, R.K.G. Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad (India).


Article Publishing History
Article Received on : 12 Oct 2010
Article Accepted on : 18 Nov 2010
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Plagiarism Check: Yes
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We introduced a symmetric dual for multi objective fractional variational programs in second order. Under invexity assumptions, we established weak, strong and converse duality as well as self duality relations .We work with properly efficient solutions in strong and converse duality theorems. The weak duality theorems involves efficient solutions .

KEYWORDS: Bonvex multiobjective fractional variational program

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Ojha D. B. Symmetric Duality for Bonvex Multiobjective Fractional Continuous Time Programming Problems. Mat.Sci.Res.India;7(2)

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Ojha D. B. Symmetric Duality for Bonvex Multiobjective Fractional Continuous Time Programming Problems. Mat.Sci.Res.India;7(2). Available from:

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